Varhelyi: We are ready to build an LNG terminal in Montenegro

At a meeting of foreign ministers organized within the framework of the Berlin Process initiative, the EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said that, in partnership with Montenegro, the European Union was ready to build an LNG terminal in Montenegro.

He said that, in view of the energy crisis caused by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the development of the NLG terminal in Bar was of great importance for Montenegro and the rest of the region.

Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, participating in the meeting as the coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that this was a historic moment for Montenegro.

“This means that, in addition to having convinced our European partners of the importance of this project, we are moving towards diversifying our economy, and such topics are gaining significance,” stated Abazovic.

According to a press release issued by the Prime Minister’s Office, Abazovic said that the Government had previously signed a memorandum with American investors regarding the LNG terminal in Bar. He also noted the interest and readiness of EU partners to finance such a project from European funds.

“I believe this is truly a significant development for Montenegro,” stated Abazovic.