Federal News Agency
Federalna Novinska Agencija
The Federal News Agency (FENA) was established by a decree of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) to provide news relevant to FBiH. FENA is the leading news agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which follows all important events in the country and abroad and publishes news in official languages of BiH and in English language. It has been the most reliable source of information and multimedia content for hundreds of electronic, print and internet media in the country for years. FENA publishes approximately 250 news articles per day, and apart from news covering politics, economy, culture, entertainment, tourism and sport, FENA also offers photo and video service. List of our users contains all relevant media outlets in the country and abroad. FENA is convincigly the most cited source in media space of BiH, which carries special social responsibility. As a significant link in democratic development of society, FENA is a media that transfers information, but it is also a generator of news and other media content.
Mr. Elmir Huremovic
General Manager
+387 61 146 846
Master of Science in Telecommunications and Digital Video Processing.
Founder of Arthur Creative Agency (PR, video and film production), successfully running for 25 years.
Has a long-year professional experience and expertise in media, video producing and broadcasting, PR, advertising, copywriting and social media.
General Manager of the Federal News Agency FENA, leading news agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina, since 2016.
Mr. Ilija Musa
Deputy General Manager
+387 63 410 464
Ilija Musa graduated at Faculty of Law in 2006 and got his PhD in social sciences at Faculty of Philosophy in 2011. He published a book Media law – freedom of expression in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia and dozens of scientific works.
He has been Deputy General Manager of the Federal News Agency since 2021.