Pensions of 1,900 pensioners exceed €1,000

According to the Social Justice Action (ASP), 1,940 out of a total of 104,680 pensioners, or under two percent of all retirees in Montenegro, received a pension of over €1,000 in July.

In the same period, 72,180 elderly individuals, or more than two-thirds of the total number of pensioners, received pensions up to €450. Of this number, 40,320 pensioners received the minimum pension of €282.

“The minimum pension in February 2020 was just over €128. By July of that year, it increased to €145. In July 2021, it was slightly higher at €147, and by February of last year, it was raised to €204. In July 2022, it was €220, and by February of this year, it increased to €259. Since May, it has been €282,” the ASP specified.

In July of this year, 25,120 pensioners received pensions ranging from the minimum of €282 to €406, while 6,740 of them received pensions ranging from €406 to €450.

“If a new government were to be established, one of the election campaign promises was that the minimum pension would be €450. This means that around 72,000 elderly individuals expect a significant increase in income starting from the beginning of next year,” stated the ASP.

According to the NGO, 27,100 pensioners received pensions ranging from €450 to €818 EUR in July of this year, while there were 2,990 people whose pensions ranged from €818 to €1000.