Consumer prices rise in Kosovo

The overall harmonized index of consumer prices is higher by an average of 3.2 percent in August 2023, compared to the same period in 2022.
According to the Kosovo Statistics Agency, this is mainly explained by the increase in consumer prices in this period in COICOP groups and subgroups: vegetables 28 percent, trees 11.4 percent, furniture, home appliances and home maintenance 7, 2 percent.
Also according to this report, alcoholic beverages and tobacco have become more expensive by 6.3 percent, non-alcoholic beverages by 5.7 percent, the purchase of vehicles by 5.1 percent, bread and cereals by 4.5 percent, electricity, gas and other fuels 4.5 percent, transport services 4.4 percent, meat 3.8 percent and milk, cheese and eggs 2.4 percent, with a combined impact of these subgroups of 3.4 percent on the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) “.
While the drop in prices is observed in COICOP groups and subgroups: oils and fats 14.5% and solid fuels, firewood, pellets, etc. 3.7% and with a joint influence of these subgroups of 0.2 percent in the HICP.
However, the overall Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices is higher by an average of 1.0% in the month of August 2023, compared to the month of July 2023.
“This is mainly explained by the increase in consumer prices of COICOP subgroups: flight tickets (8.4%), fuel and lubricants for personal transport equipment (5.3%), vegetables (4.8%) , transport services (4.7%), furniture, home appliances and home maintenance (1.2%), vehicle purchase (1.1%) and alcoholic beverages, tobacco (0.9%) with an impact of common of these subgroups of 1.0 percent in HICP “, the report states.