TIRANA, Aug 2/ATA/ Bit by bit the archaeological wealth of the lower Drin Valley, with the settlement of Koman, is coming to light every day.
The research-archaeological expedition that took place during the month of July this year aims to continue the excavations in the central necropolis of Koman, one of the largest medieval cemeteries in the country, but also one of the most popular in the Western Balkans, which is the main source of data about the population throughout the century. VI to c. XIV.
Through this project, data and material culture enable us to learn more about the topographical organization of the cemetery, funeral rites, paleodemography (food, diseases, genetics, mobility), social codes, the stage it had reached, products and intergenerational exchanges of the population.
This important research project is implemented and supported by CNRS Paris/Orient et Méditerranée École Française de Rome under the direction of Etleva Nallbani, Elvana Metalla, Institute of Archeology, Academy of Sciences of Albania, Jocelyne Desideri, Université de Genève and DRTK Shkodër.