What does the newsroom of the future look like, and what role will artificial intelligence (AI) play in the work of the news media? The subject is on the agenda of a London conference of the MINDS International media innovation network, an organization of 25 news agencies of the world, among them BTA. The event is taking place at Reuters headquarters in the Canary Wharf business district of the British capital.
All sessions will be about AI, its applications in the news flow, and how it can help journalists in their work. Almost 40 speakers are on the programme.
MINDS organizes conferences for its members twice annually. The participants are leaders of news agencies and executives responsible for editing, strategy, technology, products and sales. The conferences provide a platform to share thoughts and experience and to explore opportunities for cooperation.
BTA Director General Kiril Valchev and the chiefs of the agency’s video and information departments are taking part in the event.
BTA has signed contracts for cooperation with 15 MINDS member news agencies and is in the middle of negotiations with the other nine.