The average age increased by 6.9 years in BiH, women live an average of 5.2 years longer than men

SARAJEVO, February 23 (FENA) – The Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina has published ‘Women and Men in BiH’ publication, which includes data from different fields classified by gender. The data provide a brief overview of the position of women and men in BiH society.

Through this publication, the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina strives to make a unique contribution to the achievement of equality between the sexes.

When it comes to the number of men per 100 women, according to population data from 2022, the highest rate of masculinity is observed in the age group from 0 to 19 years old, where there are approximately 106 men per 100 women.

The analysis also pointed out that the average age of those who died in Bosnia and Herzegovina is increasing, so in the last twenty years it has increased by 6.9 years, and in the mentioned period, women lived an average of 5.2 years longer than men.

However, negative natural increase of the population is a problem not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina but also in many countries of the region and Europe.

Since 2009, there has been a trend of negative natural growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The largest negative natural increase was recorded in 2021.

In 2022, 17,427 marriages were recorded in BiH, and what is evident is that the number of divorces in BiH has been continuously increasing over the past 25 years, so in 2022 there were more than 1,000 divorces compared to 1997.

When it comes to internal migration in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022, which includes all residents, by gender and age structure, who have registered a change of residence, including movements between two entities and Brčko District of BiH, 30,165 residents were registered, of whom 59 percent were women and 41 percent were men, which is 3,760 more than in 2020.

The publication also contains data on higher education in 2022, which was completed by 10,066 women and 6,531 men.

More than half of women have graduated, or have master’s and doctorate degree in the fields of health and social protection, education and social sciences, and these are also the fields of education in which women outnumber men.

In the publication, the Agency for Statistics also lists data on elected officials according to the levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 2022 general elections.

According to data from the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the 2022 general elections, women represent only 1/4 of elected officials at all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Law on Gender Equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina was adopted in 2003, and regulates, promotes and protects gender equality and guarantees equal opportunities for all citizens, both in the public and private spheres of society, and prevents direct and indirect discrimination based on gender.

Most of the data published by the BiH Agency for Statistics in the publication are the result of research carried out by the Agency, as well as existing statistical documentation, while a smaller part of the data is taken from other state and entity institutions.