Scholarships, opportunity to uplift Romanian intelligentsia (Romanian Academy’s head)

The scholarships were an opportunity to uplift the Romanian intelligentsia, president of the Romanian Academy Ioan-Aurel Pop told the 21 high-achieving students and pupils who will receive a merit scholarship from this forum for the academic year 2023 – 2024.

“I would like you to enjoy these scholarships and understand that the secret of life in this world is general culture and specialization. Education remains fundamental, even if some people tell you today that education is useless, because uneducated people end up leading us or making extraordinary fortunes. Despite this, school remains fundamental, as long as we want to remain human. If we want to lose our human essence, then we can go down the wrong path,” Pop said.

He expressed the hope that the scholarships awarded by the Academy would help diligent young pupils and students on the path to knowledge.

“I am glad that you are here and I hope that in the future some of you will come here as members of the Romanian Academy,” said Ioan-Aurel Pop.

A number of 21 high-achieving pupils and students from disadvantaged backgrounds or from families with critical situations signed on Tuesday the documents for receiving merit scholarships from the Romanian Academy for the academic year 2023 – 2024.

The scholarships, amounting to 1,000 RON per month, are awarded during the school year, from September to June.

The pupils and students come from schools, colleges and universities from all parts of the country. The youngest scholarship holder is a 6th grade student at the Mihai Viteazul Secondary School in Moftinu Mic, Satu Mare County, and one student comes from an institutionalized environment – the General Directorate for the Child Assistance and Protection (DGASPC) Iasi.

Nine pupils and students, who have consistently maintained their academic performance, receive merit scholarships for the second year, being the winners of the 2022 selection. The other 12 students receive merit scholarships for the first year from the Romanian Academy and, exceptionally, from two members of the evaluation committee, academician Marius Andruh and Professor Mihai Ducea.

All of them will be able to have their scholarships extended until the completion of their school or university studies, provided they obtain a minimum annual average of 9.50.

The Romanian Academy has been running, annually since 2019, a broader programme entitled “The Romanian Academy in dialogue with the youth”, which aims to support and promote young talents in schools and universities, aspiring to prepare the future elite intellectuals of the country.