Over 82% of Greece-Bulgaria Pipeline Capacity for 2023-2024 Already Booked

Over 82% of the total capacity of the gas interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) has been booked, the independent transmission system operator ICGB said after the August 7 quarterly auctions for the 2023-2024 gas year, which starts in October.
At present, 76% of the pipeline capacity has been booked for the first quarter of the 2023-2024 gas year, and over 84% for the other three quarters.
The available capacity is offered on two European platforms: the PRISMA booking platform for the interconnection points at Komotini (Greece) with the transmission system operator of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline and with Greece’s national operator DESFA, and the Regional Booking Platform for the interconnection point at Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) with the national operator Bulgartransgaz.
ICGB Executive Officers Teodora Georgieva and George Satlas said ICGB already offers capacity at the interconnection point with DESFA in view of the upcoming launch of the LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis, which will further boost the interconnector’s regional importance.
“The key objective is to ensure energy diversification not just of the routes but of the gas sources for Bulgaria and the wider region,” Georgieva and Satlas said. The pipeline supplies a significant part of Bulgaria’s domestic consumption and is instrumental in transporting natural gas to other countries in the region, including Moldova and Ukraine.
As at July 7, ICGB finalized the yearly auctions for the available capacity of the IGB pipeline for the 2023-2024 gas year. Over 70% of the offered capacity was booked and the remaining quantity will be available in quarterly, monthly, and daily auctions.
The interconnector’s current total capacity is around 3 billion cubic metres a year. Depending on market interest, it could reach over 5 bcm/y with additional investment. This could happen in line with the planned launch of commercial operations of the LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis due to the proximity of the two infrastructures and their synergies.