Marion: Kosovo is in a very complicated situation, the only solution is dialogue

President of the Universal Peace Federation for Europe and the Middle East, Jacques Marion, declares that after the September 24 terrorist attack in Banjska of Zveçan, Kosovo is in a more complicated situation and the only solution to achieve peace between the two countries is dialogue. Marion, in an interview for KosovaPress, estimates that the European Union should be more involved in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, with the sole aim of having a common solution.

He says that at the same time, Kosovo can be organized even more within the country at the level of civil society and can organize an atmosphere or an environment that enables easier connection between Serbs and Kosovars.

“Kosovo is in a more complicated situation now because it is in the middle of a conflict and the conflict has intensified. And so I think the focus should mostly be on dialogue. And the dialogue, of course, cannot only involve Serbia and Kosovo, the EU should also be involved, I think, as everyone mentioned, the EU should be even more involved, you know, maybe positively involved in that dialogue. But I think that Serbia and Kosovo, of course, have different positions and they can stay in their positions, but they also have common interests”, declares Marion.

Marion, while talking about Kosovo’s position in the dialogue, says that despite the fact that the two countries have different attitudes, they also have common interests.

According to Marion, the focus should be on common interests and not on one-sided positions.

The situation created in the north of the country, where the sergeant, Afrim Bunjaku, was killed, he says that that situation shows that there is manipulation of the conflict and that it is unacceptable.

He reiterates that Kosovo should continue the dialogue with the support of America and the EU.