Lührmann for MIA: New dynamic for enlargement within EU, seize unique opportunity, adopt constitutional amendments
It is very clear that currently there is a big, unique window of opportunity for enlargement. North Macedonia has made so much progress on the way into the EU, so it is important that now the next steps are taken – one of them is the constitutional amendments. All 27 EU member states stand behind the negotiating framework, the conditions are spelled out, the reform pace determines the pace into the EU, Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany’s Federal Foreign Office, Anna Lührmann, said in a conversation with MIA.
Skopje, 22 July 2023 (MIA) – It is very clear that currently there is a big, unique window of opportunity for enlargement. North Macedonia has made so much progress on the way into the EU, so it is important that now the next steps are taken – one of them is the constitutional amendments. All 27 EU member states stand behind the negotiating framework, the conditions are spelled out, the reform pace determines the pace into the EU, Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany’s Federal Foreign Office, Anna Lührmann, said in a conversation with MIA.
France’s Secretary of State for Europe, Laurence Boone, and Poland’s Minister for the European Union, Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk, were also part of the conversation. The so-called Weimar Triangle visited the country this week on a diplomatic mission to convey a clear message from Berlin, Paris and Warsaw that the country’s path forward towards European integration is through the adoption of the constitutional amendments.This is the same message that the foreign ministers of the Austerlitz-Format or the ‘Slavkov trilateral’ conveyed the week before in Skopje, on behalf of the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.
“It is very clear that currently there is a big window of opportunity for enlargement. After the brutal attack of Russia on Ukraine, the whole enlargement process has gained a new dynamic, Ukraine and Moldova have candidate status now, we have started talks with Albania and North Macedonia last summer, and the technical process of screening will close by the end of the year, so there is a unique window of opportunity for starting the negotiations of the first cluster at the end of this year. North Macedonia has made so much progress on the way into the EU, with all the reforms we see there is a clear dedication to the EU, so it is important that now the next steps that we agreed on – one of them is the constitutional amendments – are taken here, to seize this opportunity for North Macedonia to become a member of the European family. The three of us are here to support North Macedonia on this way,” Lührmann said, asked what if the constitutional changes are not adopted, given the opposition’s stance, and would it mean that the country faces isolation, perhaps blocked IPA funds and projects for the Western Balkans.
As regards fears of possible new veto from Bulgaria despite a guarantee from Chancellor Olaf Scholz himself that there will be no new conditions, Lührmann assures that the conditions are already spelled out in the negotiating framework, and there is a new dynamic in the process.
“Look, North Macedonia has never been so far on its way towards the EU, we have an agreed negotiation framework where the steps that need to be taken towards the EU membership are clearly set. This is clear, this is negotiated, and there, the conditions are spelled out, and also the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry has just yesterday made another statement clearly saying that this is binding for them, that this what they will judge the process by, and as we’ve outlined before, it is very clear that within the EU there is a new dynamic for enlargement because we see now that it’s really in our own security interest to enlarge as fast as possible. So, this dynamic is why you had the visit also of the Austrian and other foreign ministers here, this is why our visit is here, it clearly shows that for our countries this has a very, very high priority that North Macedonia joins the EU,” Lührmann pointed out.
In the conversation recorded during the visit to Skopje, she adds that the reform pace will determine the pace into the EU.
“This is what we can tell you here, that we stand by your side, that we will do everything we can to make this process happen smoothly so that really in the end it will be the reform pace that happens here in North Macedonia, in terms of bringing the reform steps when it comes to fighting corruption, the rule of law, that this determines the pace into the EU. Јust as another example for the strong political support for North Macedonia, you know the German Bundestag has just recently passed a resolution clearly stating our respect for the Macedonian culture, language, tradition and clearly expressing also that we want this country to be in the EU as fast as possible,” Lührmann said on her fourth visit to the country over the past few months.
Asked how can the country deal with the Euroskepticism at home after all the blockades over the years, how to rebuild the credibility of the Euro-integration process and support for the EU, where divisions are also present, Germany’s Lührmann also assures that all 27 EU member states stand behind the negotiating framework, as well as that the future for North Macedonia in the EU is a better future than outside of the EU.
“First of all, I fully understand all the frustration, it has been really taking way too long, but as I outlined, the opportunity is there now. We have fully agreed, signed and consented the negotiating framework. Bulgaria has reaffirmed its commitment to this negotiation framework again. We constantly meet our colleagues from all 27 EU member states, all of them stand behind this goal. So it very clear that the opportunity is real and it is also very clear that the future for North Macedonia in the EU is a better future than outside of the EU. Just look at the history of Poland. The big economic progress that Poland and new member states have made since they joined over the last 20 years is really impressive and this is something that I would really want to see for North Macedonia as well,” Anna Lührmann said, reaffirming Berlin’s strong and continued support for the country’s European integration.