Empowering women in politics: The two-day ‘Women Leaders Conference’ begins in Sarajevo

SARAJEVO, December 16 (FENA) – To enhance women’s participation in politics and decision-making processes, the BiH Agency for Gender Equality, the European Union in BiH, and UN Women BiH have organized the two-day “Women Leaders Conference,” which started today in Sarajevo.

Organized with the aim of empowering women in political and leadership roles, the conference brought together local women leaders, policymakers, and experts with the goal of evaluating and improving women’s political participation in BiH. Special focus was placed on the recent local elections in BiH and the implementation of General Recommendation 40 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which calls for full equality of women and men in all structures of government, based on the 50:50 principle.

Rejhana Dervišević, second Deputy Chair of the Gender Equality Commission of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, highlighted that women are far from equally represented in political and social life, often occupying lower levels of social power. “In their political work, women encounter numerous formal and informal barriers. Moreover, social structures, prejudices, and stereotypes present invisible and difficult-to-overcome obstacles. Despite some progress, men still hold most positions of power and influence, so women also need their support to reach the positions they truly deserve. Therefore, the alliance is crucial for progress in the field of gender equality. Without equal participation of both women and men in governance processes, one cannot expect equality in other areas of life, and thus also the achievement of true gender equality,” said Dervišević.

Globally, the representation of women in politics is unequal, with only 26.9% of parliamentarians and 35.5% of locally elected officials being women. In BiH, the inequality is even more pronounced. After the local elections in BiH held in October 2024, estimates suggest that women hold 22.76% of local mandates and 5.6% of mayoral positions. Although this represents an increase from the previous election cycle, the result is still far from equal representation.

“The EU is committed to advancing gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly in political participation. While we’ve seen progress, the 2024 local elections reveal that women remain underrepresented. With ongoing legislative reforms and close collaboration with partners like UN Women and the BiH Agency for Gender Equality, we are working to remove barriers and ensure women’s voices are heard in decision-making. Inclusive political systems are stronger, and the EU will continue to support efforts to empower women in leadership roles,” said Fermin Cordoba, EU in BiH political advisor.

Women’s political participation is crucial for democratic governance and sustainable development. To this end, the UN Women BiH held 11 training sessions for women political candidates across the country in the run-up to the local elections, providing them with the knowledge and skills needed for all stages of political activity: from running a campaign to holding political office. With the same goal, and to expand the base of politically engaged women ready to lead campaigns, win, and serve in elected public positions, this two-day conference has been organized, which represents a significant milestone in ongoing efforts to support and empower women in political spheres, as emphasized by Jo-Anne Bishop, UN Women Representative in BiH.

“It is an opportunity to celebrate their victories, address the challenges, and continue the fight for equal political participation. Estimates following the last local elections show an increase in women holding local seats and mayoral positions, but this is not even near equality, as women remain underrepresented in the political sphere. As we approach the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a political environment where women will participate equally, and free from violence and harassment,” said Bishop.

Both days will feature a series of sessions focused on addressing the challenges faced by women in politics and providing tools to enhance their leadership roles. The first day will be an open event, while the second day will include orientation training for women elected in the recent local elections, preparing them for their new political roles during local mandates. As a guide for future efforts in empowering women politically, the conference will also present best practices, successful strategies, and initiatives that have supported women’s political participation and leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina so far, stated the organizers.