ATA News

Cradle – a cultural heritage displayed in National Museum of Medieval Art

TIRANA, 21 July /ATA/- In the light of the project on the “Origin and craftsmanship”, the Albania’s National Museum of Medieval Art brought to the public attention one of the most important objects in Albanian culture, a cradle.

A baby’s bed which tilts and puts the child to sleep. Its use has been known since antiquity and in all Albanian-speaking regions.

The cradle, an evidence of cultural heritage, was inherited from generation to generation.

One of the oldest traditions – for centuries – wood carving was an excellent and hard job.

Widespread in Albania, wood carving played an important role in the life of the Albanian people – including everyday and decorative objects.

Geometric floral and zoomorphic motifs – skillfully carved – will be focus of the program on cultural heritage, tradition and handicrafts.

National Museum of Medieval Art fund consists of a collection of cultural and historical objects – that will be displayed as “a good model of Albania’s national wealth”