ATA News

Approximation of Albanian legislation with EU in field of management of water resources

TIRANA, February 20/ATA/ The Parliamentary Committee for European Affairs held its routine meeting online on the “Zoom” platform during which it examined the draft law “On water resources”.

Invited as guests to speak on this draft law were Deputy Minister of Tourism and Environment Almira Xhembulla and General Director of the Water Waste Management Agency Gerta Lubonja.

Deputy Minister Xhembulla stated that this draft law was compiled as part of the legal package in framework of approximation of Albanian legislation in the field of water resources management with the relevant acquis of the European Union, through support of the EU project, “For integrated water management in Albania”, financed by the EU and ADA.

One of the components of this project is, “Improving the legal framework in the field of water resources management”.

Rapporteur of the case Lavdrim Krashi said that the draft law that is being discussed today aims to protect water resources through their conservation, development and rational use, as something necessary for the life and socio-economic development of the country.

“The object of the draft law is to define the legal and institutional framework for the administration of water resources”, said Krashi.

Following discussions, comments and suggestions, the committee members approved this draft law in principle, article by article and in its entirety, along with the changes agreed upon during the meeting.