Ballet “Uni” premieres at National Opera and Ballet Theatre

The National Theater of Opera and Ballet staged the ballet “Uni” (Sub conscience) on Thursday evening.

 The work is a reflection of the battle that the sub conscience fights with the world that surrounds us.

With the ballet “Uni”, the NOBTH ballet troupe turns attention to the contents, in a guide to the challenges we cope with and the egos we caress, making it easier for us to confront ourselves for the construction of a sub conscience worthy of this society.

 The work was performed by the NTHOB ballet troupe, under the choreography of Julind Dervish, with the assistance of the dancers Livia Lara and Rovena Shqevi, and the music of Barbatuques, Brent Lewis, David Toop, etc., composed by Andi Vrapi .

The contemporary ballet “Uni”, which conveys sensitizing messages, makes its comeback again this evening, at 20:00.