CNA News

Vast majority of survey participants believe GeSY has improved quality of life

The General Health System (GeSY) that was implemented in Cyprus five years ago has improved the quality of life of citizens, 93% of participants in a survey conducted by the IMR-University of Nicosia has said.

Managing Director of IMR-University of Nicosia Christina Kokkalou told CNA that “five years since the implementation of GHS, citizens have embraced the health system and the services are at a high level.”

“People feel GHS has  improved the quality of life, they feel they have access to a system that is for everyone,” she added.

Kokkalou said that the survey was conducted in April 2024 and it covered the whole of Cyprus in urban and rural areas, with a sample of 500 people, men and women over 18. The data was collected through telephone interviews using a structured questionnaire.

Asked if GeSY has improved the quality of health services provided to the citizens 92% of participants answered yes, while asked what are in their opinion the greatest benefits for citizens with the implementation of GeSY, 62% answered the reduction/elimination of the cost of access to medical care, 32% said the increase in choices regarding providers of health services, 21% said improving the quality of health services provided and 19% replied reducing time/waiting lists.

Asked what is the most serious weakness of GeSY which acts as a burden for the beneficiaries, 32% answered the waiting list for visiting a doctor or an operation, 24% said the non-coverage of specific types of tests and pharmaceutical treatments, 23% said the need to obtain a referral from a personal physician to visit  a specialist physician and 11% said not covering needs in specific specialties.

Invited to say where they sought medical care in the last five years through GeSY or privately,  61% answered through GeSY, 6% privately, 28% both, while 5% said they did not need to seek medical care.

Meanwhile, asked which services offered by GeSY they used in the last two years, 94% said a visit to a personal physician, 80% a visit to a specialist physician, 75% said they received medication, 71% said they received laboratory and diagnostic services, 54% said they visited  a dentist, 35 % replied they visited another health professional, 20% said they received inpatient care (hospitalisation), and 8% replied they received rehabilitation services.