MIA News

Seventh Media Festival Skopje to focus on fight against corruption

The seventh Media Festival Skopje, to be held Nov. 21 through 23, will focus on the role of the media in the fight against corruption, organizers said in a press release.

Taking place at the Cinematheque and Kotur Bar, the three-day festival will offer documentary screenings, panel discussions, and workshops.

Documentaries include Stephan Komandarev’s “Blaga’s Lessons” (2023), Isabella Willinger’s “Plastic Fantastic” (2023), Jess Kelly’s Under “Poisoned Skies” (2022); Steffi Niederzoll’s “Seven Winters in Tehran” (2023); Kate Stonehill’s “Phantom Parrot” (2023); and Jialing Zhang’s “Total Trust” (2023).

Panel discussions will be held on journalism and the fight against corruption in the Balkans; on Croatia’s Media in Time festival of journalism; on challenges for young journalists in the contemporary media; and on women journalists and their influence.

The festival will also offer an “Online Mojo Workshop for Young Journalists” run by Robb Montgomery and “Data Journalism for Young Journalists” workshop run by Aleksandra Tomic.

Media Festival Skopje is organized by the PINA Platform for Investigative Journalism and Analysis.