Romanian cyber security experts hold bilateral meetings at Cyber Champions Summit in Australia

A Romanian delegation representative of the National Cyber Security Directorate (DSNC) and the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest, and including also Romania’s ambassador to Australia Radu Gabriel Safta, participated in the Cyber Champions Summit at the invitation of the Australian Department of Home Affairs, the Embassy of Romania in Australia informs in a release on Wednesday.

The event dedicated to cyber security cooperation between NATO and Indo-Pacific partner states (Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea) brought together experts, officials and representatives from the private sector.

“Participation in the Summit provided the opportunity for a bilateral meeting between Romanian officials and Australian cyber security counterparts, whose delegation was led by Brendan Dowling, Australia’s Ambassador for Cyber Affairs and Critical Technology. The meeting represented a first for the bilateral relationship, continuing efforts to diversify and deepen dialogue themes and opening new horizons of cooperation in a field that transcends geographical borders. On the sidelines of the summit, the Romanian Embassy in Canberra also coordinated the organization of bilateral meetings of the Romanian delegation with counterparts from the Republic of Korea, Japan and Great Britain. Also, during the breaks of the conference, there were short bilateral meetings with the US and New Zealand delegations,” the statement says.

The Romanian delegation, which included DNSC director Dan Cimpean and head of ICI Bucharest, Victor – Adrian Vevera, emphasized the complexity and importance of Romania’s national cyber security ecosystem, as well as the fact that, in recent years, it has become one of the most active and dynamic in the European Union. The discussion partners were presented with examples of success in which Romanian state institutions, privately owned companies and the academic environment cooperate on joint cyber security projects and initiatives, with the pragmatic and efficient use of a variety of financing mechanisms.

ICI Bucharest’s project for the development of a cyber range platform dedicated to the energy sector was showcased during the talks as a first example, as it marks a significant step in improving the ability to simulate and respond to cyber threats. The platform automatically generates virtual scenarios, allowing the mitigation of complex cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, thus strengthening the resilience of the Romanian nation and its NATO allies.