Romanian-Chinese partnership in field of research

The Danube Delta National Research and Development Institute (INCDDD) from eastern Tulcea concluded, on Tuesday, at the opening of the “Deltas and wetlands” symposium, a memorandum of collaboration with the Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Also, at the opening of the event that marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the institute, through the reorganization of the Danube Delta Research and Design Institute, academicians Nicolae Panin and Dan Balteanu received the “Researchers Emeritus” distinction.

“We are at the second memorandum signed with the Chinese institute. It is a new foundation, because China has also changed a lot in the 12 years that have passed since the previous memorandum. We hope that we will get financing as soon as possible by writing joint projects,” the director of INCDDD, Marian Tudor, told AGERPRES.

“The BlackSea program follows these interdependencies between the river Danube and the Black Sea and it is very important. It is known that the sea level is rising, and from some calculations it appears that a 20 centimeter rise in sea level changes enormously, by up to 40%, of the power of sediment transport of the Danube. So, a lot of attention is needed for the future,” pointed out the academician Nicolae Panin.

The ceremony of awarding plaques with the title of “Emeritus Researchers” was followed by the announcement of the launch of the bilingual book “The eight layers of our planet”, by Professor Emeritus Doctor Stoica Preda Godeanu and Laura Mariana Popa.

Almost 200 researchers from 20 countries are participating in the international symposium “Deltas and wetlands”, held between May 13-17, the event organized by INCDDD taking place under the aegis of the International Association for Danube Research, the Balkan Association for the Environment, with the support of the Tulcea County Council and the Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.