Partnership of Romanian Academy with French Embassy and French Institute for colloquiums, PhD fellowships

Bucharest, Dec 10 /Agerpres/ – The President of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, signed on Tuesday a scientific partnership agreement with the Ambassador of France to Romania, Nicolas Warnery, and a collaboration agreement with the Director of the French Institute, Julien Chiappone-Lucchesi, for the organization of colloquiums and the award of three PhD fellowships for doctoral studies under a cotutelle arrangement.

The thematic seminars will be held at the Romanian Academy by scientific personalities from France. The series of colloquiums in the field of humanities and social sciences will be provided by the French side through the Centre regional francophone d’etudes avances en sciences humaines et sociales/French-speaking Regional Center for Advanced Studies in Human and Social Sciences and involves colloquiums held at the Romanian Academy or in research institutes of the academic system, meetings of the French lecturers with members of the Romanian Academy and with researchers, visits to the research laboratories of the Romanian Academy.

The PhD cotutelle programme aims to foster the mobility of doctoral students in order to develop scientific cooperation between French and Romanian research teams. The fellowships will be awarded to Romanian doctoral students to carry out research internships in France, as part of their doctoral studies, under the supervision of a Romanian and a French professor. Each fellowship will have a total duration of twelve months, spread over a three-year programme and will be financed equally by the two signatory parties.

“We will hold a joint session in the Romanian Academy Hall, dedicated to the 145 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and France, a series of scientific communications from the Romanian side. With the help of the Embassy of France, we will also bring French speakers to represent some institutions in France and to mark together, the two countries, at the level of the academies, these years of diplomatic relations, which are extraordinary and have been established unofficially since the time of Alexandru Ioan Cuza,” said the President of the Romanian Academy, after the signing of the two documents.

He mentioned that conferences of French academicians will be organized at the Romanian Academy and of Romanian academicians at the French Academy.

Ioan-Aurel Pop further pointed out that the documents signed on Tuesday strengthen the cultural relations between the two countries and academies.

“Our collaboration with France is a tradition. The Romanian Academy was organized with the French Academy as a model. The relations have always been good, regardless of the historical epoch and we are now in such a moment of reinforcing the relations (…) Next year will be 145 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The French Institute is 100 years old. We will soon celebrate our 160th anniversary. The French Embassy is also helping us to prepare the ‘Penser l’Europe’ colloquium. We will continue to prepare several joint actions, including a traditional visit of some members of the Romanian Academy to the French Academy, at the beginning of next year, with a joint colloquium, with the establishment of reciprocal conferences of Romanian and French academics in the two academies, in cultural circles,” added the president of the Romanian Academy.

In his turn, Nicolas Warnery, the French ambassador to Romania, appreciated the renewal of the agreement with the Romanian Academy, materialized each year with the colloquium “Penser l’Europe”.