The children from the Homocea Kindergarten in Focsani, Vrancea county, have been making these days handmade #martisoare for March 1 [Romanian spring celebration tradition of #martisor, editor’s note] and March 8 with the help of their mothers, who are always involved in educational activities with their children whenever the opportunity arises, because, say the teachers, this collaboration is beneficial for both sides.
“#Martisorul’ is the symbol of spring, and March starts with this specific Romanian symbol of spring, which we offer and receive at the same time. That’s why we thought of making handmade, personalized #martisoare, in which we poured our heart and love and offer them to the loved ones in our lives. We are a small group, but, as we know how, with our own hands, we make the most beautiful little flowers that we offer with love to mothers and grandmothers. Every year, regardless of the specific age, we try to involve the mothers as much as possible in the educational act, to set up creative workshops for hand-made items, because, together with the parents, we are a family and we form a team. We would not have a positive feedback if we did not involve parents in the educational act. This brings us very close, we can collaborate and have a very close relationship. This is what we believe is the way to success,” the educator Nicoleta Petrea told AGERPRES.
And because the children are part of the Little Flowers’ Group in kindergarten, they created with their own hands all kinds of flower shapes based on the buttons glued on jute, felt and more.
Children in the Hearts’ Group are currently preparing for a show dedicated to mothers.
And because, as the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”, the educators at the Homocea Kindergarten have decided to involve not only the parents, but the whole community, up to the mayor and the civil servants in the administration, in their activities. With benefits and joys on both sides.
There are also children who have just returned with their parents from abroad, who speak only English, but who have no problem integrating, especially when it comes to playful activities.