“Lament of Earth” greeted with rapturous applause in Himara International Festival

The second edition of Himara International Music Festival has opened with the “Lament of earth,” the work dedicated to climate change, which is a call for awareness and care for the planet as well as “Himarës ç’i panë sytë.”

Himara Castle, built in the middle of the 4th century before Christ, has been transformed in early August into an art scene graced by exceptional musicians from Albania, Germany, France, Kosovo, Romania, Russia, Greece, Montenegro and Canada.

“Lament of the earth,” the audiovisual performance of Donika Rudi and ReMusica Vocal Ensemble, text-written by Doruntina Basha, performed by soprano Kaltrina Miftari, under the direction of master Rafet Rudi and accompanied by the dance of Agnesa Nokshiqi, was greeted with rapturous applause by the attendees with the magical performance resonating strongly in this natural scene.

With the wonderful backdrop of the Visha canyon, the Livadhi beach and the Vetetima mountain range, since August 3rd, this event taking place in the Himara castle features classical music performed by local and foreign artists.

This activity is giving voice to representative music of Albanian culture, traditional civic folk song and cultivated contemporary music.

Other performances during the magical evenings by the sea in the south of the country were blended with musical verses by composers Gjon Simoni, Cesk Zadeja, Vasil Sofewokli Tole.

Every night until August 10, classical music will be performed on the wonderful Himara coast.

The two Albanian seasoned pianists Rea Veizi and Iliriana Gjoni, with a brilliant career in several European countries, will perform on August 7 pieces by the great composers Brahms, Debussy, Fauré, Mozart and Dvorak.

This festival dedicates the concert on August 8 to the magical sounds of the piano, where pianist from France, Sebastian Ene, will play some of the most inspired pieces by Schubert and Chopin.

The Eliott Quartet and pianist Endri Nini, musicians of the most important chamber music scenes in Europe, will perform on August 9 the concert “The World and I” featuring works by the composers Mozart and Shostakovich, who glorified in their masterpieces the freedom, joy, sadness, and standing up to dictatorship.

The Himara Festival, “Himara International Music Festival” will be capped by the fantastic sounds played by the 24-year-old musician Théo Ould, who is regarded as a prodigy of classical music in France.