Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis began Thursday’s cabinet meeting with a reference to the importance of the reforms already set in motion.”These actively reply to those who doubt either our dedication to these or the speed at which the government generates its work,” he said.
Among others, he announced the introduction of a postal vote for anyone who wishes to use it, within and outside Greece, saying this was another important step forward following the changes that allowed Greeks abroad to participate in elections from their place of residence. Mitsotakis described this as a “historic breakthrough” and a bold reform, which will serve as a strong response to voter abstention and inertia.
He also spoke of the very important changes in justice, currently undergoing a period of public consultation, “the spearhead of which are the acceleration of decisions by establishing one and only postponement of trials and changing the regime as regards suspensions, so that sentences are finally served.”
He also referred to the new status for borrowers which is being discussed and will put to a vote by Monday, as well as talking of the government’s efforts to raise tax consciousness, while making a commitment to direct any additional revenues from reducing tax evasion to education and health and for the support of the most vulnerable.