The number of invoices registered so far through the e-Invoice system has reached 2,775,421, with a value of 16 billion lei, according to data presented on Monday by Finance Minister Marcel Bolos at a press conference.
“We have 2,775,421 invoices in the system (e-Invoice – editor’s note), with a value of 16 billion lei. The maximum was reached on Friday, 675,000 invoices. We expect this increase to reach one million invoices per day this week. I would remind you that we operate in parallel with the two systems, namely the invoice reporting system in our electronic invoice module and, of course, the classic option of issuing the invoice and then reporting it. Reporting is done within five days of issuing the invoice. If the system is interrupted, after the e-invoice part is resumed, the five-day reporting period remains the same. Until 1 July, we have this optional regime that I mentioned. Failure to report in our electronic system in the e-Invoice module constitutes a contravention and, as I said at the end of last year, for micro-businesses we have contravention penalties between 1,000 lei and 2,500 lei. For medium-sized enterprises the fine is between 2,500 and 5,000 lei,” Bolos said.
On the other hand, the Minister of Finance mentioned that the year 2023 ended with 87,000 tax and anti-fraud inspections carried out, with a total value of additional findings of 11 billion lei.
“In terms of the number of tax inspections carried out last year, there were 20,813, with an additional revenue value of 2.6 billion lei. In December alone, 1,789 tax inspections were carried out. The value of additional findings was about 500 million lei. The most important finding in December was in the manufacturing industry, amounting to 160 million lei, in the area of Value Added Tax. Also in the area of tax inspection, documentary checks were carried out, which is basically a form of tax inspection that does not consist of going to the taxpayer’s premises. There were 20,059 such documentary checks, with an additional revenue value of one billion lei. In December, there were 908 and additional findings of 57 million lei. We still have the compliance notices, the so-called warnings for taxpayers. Last year, we had 12,600 such notices, also worth one billion lei. The Anti-Fraud Inspectorate had 33,826 inspections and the value of the findings was almost 6 billion lei. So, we close the year 2023 with about 87,000 tax inspections and anti-fraud inspections, with a value of additional findings collected together of 11 billion lei,” stressed the head of Finance.
The official also said that the target for 2024, in the tax and anti-fraud area, “is that the average value of monthly collections will reach 40 billion lei.”