Drumul Apusenilor, the Apuseni Road, the most important and spectacular road and tourist infrastructure project in Bihor County, was inaugurated on Monday by a delegation of the Bihor County Council, Mircea Malan, deputy chairman of the CJ Bihor, told AGERPRES on Monday.
The road is 56 kilometres long and was built on European funds.
“This road makes the connection between the Crisul Repede Gorge, an important tourist area of Bihor County, and Tara Beiusului, the Apuseni Mountains area, highlighting important tourist attractions on the route: from Stana de Vale and its Spring of Miracles, to the Valul Miresei Waterfall, the Iadolina waterfall, the Coada Lacului area with the Remeti realms, in full swing of development, to the Crisul Repede Gorge with Vadu Crisului, Suncuius, Bratca, Bulz. It is a project that helps the development of this area and makes the connection between Bihor County and Cluj County, in the Valea Draganului Dam area,” Mircea Malan said.
The total value of the project is RON 182 million, European funds provided under Operational Programme Regional Development 2014-2020. The works were conducted by an association of companies led by the Oradea-based company SC Drumuri Orasenesti SA.
Malan added that he invited the two previous chairs of CJ Bihor, Cornel Popa and Pasztor Sandor, to the inauguration of this road.
“Mr Cornel Popa was the one who initiated this project and who carried out the feasibility study. Also present was Mr Pasztor Sandor, the chair of CJ Bihor in 2016 – 2020, when steps for the completion of this project continued, and the submission of a funding application, the technical project, the tender for the execution were carried out. We then took over this project, we insisted that the works be executed at an appropriate pace and with the most appropriate quality and today we are happy that the project has been completed.”
The Bihor section of the Apuseni Road is 56 kilometers long, with one lane in each direction; four new bridges were built, and demolition and road widening works were done under difficult mountainous conditions.
“I say, in the end, that it is a quality work and it is good that we have arrived here”, concluded Malan.
The Apuseni Road continues in the neighbouring county of Cluj over 25 kilometres, a portion rehabilitated by the Cluj County Council on European funds and completed in May 2023. The road crosses the towns of Poieni and Sacuieu and connects the counties of Cluj and Bihor in the Dragan Dam area .
According to CJ Cluj Chairman Alin Tise, it is a completely modernised trail, “very spectacular, with a huge tourist potential that crosses one of the most attractive areas of the Apuseni Mountains.