DevMin: Financial opportunities of today have never before existed in Romania

Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration Adrian Vestea said in Focsani on Thursday, during a meeting with the mayors of the Vrancea County administrative territorial units, that the financial opportunities of today have never before existed in Romania, and after this financial year Romania “will look much better.”

“I believe that anyone can implement projects at the level of local authorities with money from both national programmes and projects with European funds. These are investments that reach the communities in Romania and today we can say that we have the biggest financial resource to be able to implement these projects. All these things come with efforts, shortcomings, lots and lots of nervousness, but my conviction is that we will carry them through. Romania, after this financial year, will look much better and will have the opportunity to implement even more projects,” Minister Adrian Vestea told the mayors.

The Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration is paying a visit to Vrancea County on Thursday. During the morning, he attended the General Assembly of the Association of County Secretaries General of Romania held in Focsani, and met with mayors of the county. Later in the afternoon, Minister Adrian Vestea will visit the investment objectives of county road (DJ) 205 E Vidra – Vizantea – Livezi – Campuri and the spa resort of Vizantea – Livezi.