ZAGREB, 17 Dec (Hina) – Croatian presidential candidates are getting older, with the eight candidates running in the 29 December election being the oldest in the last three electoral cycles. Their average age is nearly 54.5 years, which is eight years older than a decade ago.
According to statistics compiled by the State Electoral Commission, the average age of presidential candidates in 2014 was 46.5 years, almost 48 in 2019, and this year, it has reached 54.5 years.
In these three election cycles, only one candidate, Ivan Vilibor Sinčić, was under 30, and that was in 2014. In the 2019В and this year’s elections, all candidates, a total of 19, are over 30.
Among the female candidates, the youngest in this year’s election is Ivana Kekin (We Can!), born in January 1984, and the oldest is Branka Lozo (Domino), born in November 1961. Independent candidate Marija Selak Raspudić was born in March 1982.
Among the male candidates, the youngest is Miro Bulj (Bridge), born in March 1972, while the oldest is independent candidate Tomislav Jonjić, born on 19 May 1965.В Dragan Primorac, the candidate of the ruling HDZ and its partners, who was born on 7 June 1965.
Younger than them are independent candidate Niko Tokić Kartelo, born on 22 July 1966, and the incumbent President Zoran Milanović, born on 30 October 1966.
The number of female candidates in presidential elections is steadily increasing. In the 2014 election, there was one (Kolinda Grabar Kitarović), in 2019, there were three (Grabar Kitarović, Dalija Orešković, and Katarina Peović), and the same number are running this year. However, when their share is compared to the total number of candidates, it amounts to 25%, 27.3%, and 37.5%, respectively.