Bank of Greece reports central government primary budget surplus of 1.5 billion euros in first half 2023

The central government primary balance had a surplus of roughly 1.5 billion euros in the first half of 2023, up from a deficit of 3.8 billion euros in the same period in 2022, according to figures on the central government net borrowing requirement on a cash basis, released by the Bank of Greece on Wednesday.
The net balance of the central government had a deficit of 2.9 billion euros in the same period, up from a deficit of 7.84 billion euros in 2022.
Ordinary budget revenues in the first half of 2023 amounted to 27.8 billion euros, up from 24.1 billion euros the previous year, while ordinary budget expenditure was 29.7 billion euros, down from 30.03 billion euros in the first half of 2022.