75 individuals arrested this year under international warrants

Podgorica, (MINA) – This year, 75 individuals have been arrested in Montenegro under international warrants issued by foreign national central bureaus (NCB), while 32 individuals were arrested abroad, based on the warrants issued by Podgorica INTERPOL office, the Police Administration has announced.

The press release adds that the Police Administration, through the Department for International Operational Police Cooperation INTERPOL-EUROPOL-SIRENE, achieved significant results in the fight against crime through intensive cooperation with international partners.

As it has been emphasized, during this year, NCB Interpol Podgorica officers participated in numerous international operations and activities, including key initiatives led by EUROPOL and INTERPOL, which resulted in concrete achievements.

NCB Podgorica stated that, by analyzing the data for this year, most common crimes for which warrants were issued, involved criminal organizations, drug trafficking and crimes against life and limb.

“Furthermore, there is an evident increase in activity compared to the previous year, during which 38 individuals were arrested in Montenegro under international warrants, while 30 individuals were arrested abroad on warrants issued by NCB Podgorica”, the statement reads.