Timisoara National Theatre to become Europe’s capital of public theatres

The Timisoara National Theatre (TNTm) will become the European capital of Europe’s public theatres as it hosts the  International Conference of the European Theatre Convention, November 9-12, where expected to attend are more than 80 officials of the 59 member theatres from over 35 countries.

The participants will be with the spectators in Timisoara at three of the most famous and beloved performances of the National Theatre: “Exodus” (directed by Oskaras Kursunovas – Thursday 19:00hrs,  the Great Hall), “City Voices – Central Park” (choreography Pal Frenak – Friday, 19:00hrs, Hall 2) and “Povestea acelor oameni care intr-o searas-au adunat in jurul unei mese”/The story of those people who one evening gathered around a table (directed by Radu Iacoban – Saturday, 19:00hrs, the Great Hall).

Called “SHARE,” the conference will stress the importance of collaboration and peer-to-peer learning as it elaborates on ETC’s future work and priorities. It fully shares TNTm’s principles regarding the research of new European realities, dialogue and collaboration, defining itself as the bearer of a message of professionalism, the exchange of ideas and experiences and, ultimately, as bearer of the democratic and humanist message, according to TNTm.

During the International Theatre Conference in Timisoara, the members of the European Theatre Convention will compare and contrast  the course of public theatres in Europe and will reflect on the way in which the new historical, political, social and cultural realities challenge European theatrical unity. Also, they will develop formulas by which the member theaters can get involved in a series of joint projects and collaboration, of participation in the European programmes initiated and managed by ETC.

The European Theater Convention (ETC) was created in 1988 to promote the European circulation of stage performa nces, theatrical concepts and the performing and linguistic heritage of the countries that make up this integrative construct of the European Union.

The National Theatre of Timisoara has been a member of the European Theatre Convention since 2010. This is the second edition of the conference it organises   seven years after the first.