MIA News

Skopje’s Turkish Theater to stage ‘The Blind’ premiere

Skopje, 13 December 2024 (MIA) – Skopje’s Turkish Theater will stage on Friday evening a premiere of “The Blind” based on the eponymous work by Maurice Maeterlinck and Amin Maalouf’s “In the Name of Identity”.

The play will be performed on the stage of the Comedy Theater in Skopje, and it will have Macedonian subtitles.

The play is directed by Qëndrim Rijani, music is by Emrah Xhemaili, while Medina Hoxha and Maja Gjureska are in charge of costume design.

The cast consists of: Cenap Samet, Hakan Daci, Yetkin Sezair, Suzan Akbelge, Funda Ibrahim, Nesrin Tair, Slagjana Vujoshevikj, Emine Halil, Zubeyde Ali, Ines Radoncic and Edin Jakupovic.

“The Blind” fuses two literary ideas – the work “The Blind” by Maeterlinck and “In the Name of Identity” by Maalouf.

“Eleven blind characters, thrown into space, are trying to find their way, to go back. But, from time to time, they move away from physical blindness and find themselves in labyrinths searching for themselves while reliving moments from their lives. The characters will make you live with them, ask questions, but also find answers for the beauty of the physical and identity differences of all living beings in this shared world. A world where diversity is the most beautiful aspect of the fleeting life lived by every human,” the play’s director, Qëndrim Rijani, said.