BTA News

LB Bulgaricum EAD, Meiji to Establish World-class Joint Research Laboratory in Bulgaria

А contract to establish a world-class joint research laboratory in Bulgaria between LB Bulgaricum EAD and Meiji was signed on Thursday at an official ceremony in the presence of the Minister of Economy and Industry Petko Nikolov and Japan’s Ambassador to Bulgaria Michigami Hisashi.

The main objective of the laboratory will be to further investigate the beneficial ingredients of Bulgarian sourdough starter and to look for new scientific evidence of the healthy characteristics of Bulgarian yoghurt.

The CEO of the Bulgarian State-owned dairy company LB Bulgaricum EAD, Zhivko Zhivkov, and Meiji Executive Officer Shigeru Taniguchi signed a 10-year agreement for strategic partnership and establishment of the first joint research laboratory in the field of lactic acid bacteria. The agreement provides for joint research and development activities to be carried out by research teams from both countries at the new research centre to be located in Sofia.

One of the main focuses of the research will be the bacterial species Lactobacilus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilius, which are of Bulgarian origin, isolated on the territory of the the country and are its exclusive property. The new research centre will provide state-of-the-art high-tech facilities and state-of-the-art methods for discovering new health benefits from the use of Bulgarian yoghurt as a product that is a national treasure.

Taniguchi said that the best Japanese researchers will be sent to Bulgaria.