Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Monday chaired a meeting of the Governmental Council for National Security (KYSEA) held at the Maximos Mansion.
Following a proposal by National Defence Minister Nikos Dendias, Greece’s participation in the “Aspides” operation for the protection of free navigation in the Red Sea was approved, government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis announced.
Also, following a proposal by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Christos Stylianides, the meeting decided to extend the term of office of the acting head of the Coast Guard Vice Admiral Georgios Alexandrakis for one year.
KYSEA was briefed by Migration and Asylum Minister Dimitris Kairides on the latest migration figures, the great reduction in migration flows and the gradual decongestion of the National Reception System. According to data presented by Kairidis, the number of people staying in the reception facilities of the eastern Aegean islands has decreased by more than 25% compared to the beginning of January.
Following a proposal by the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Vassilis Kikilias, it was decided to modify the “Aegis” Plan, which concerns the supply of 300 new vehicles for forestry services.