State not there today, deprive criminals of air – Campania head
(ANSA) – ROME, AUG 29 – A year of military surge by police would be needed to restore order in the “hell” of Caivano near Naples, the drug and crime ridden town where an alleged gang rape of two 13-year-old cousins took place early last month, Campania Governor Vincenzo De Luca said Tuesday.
Caivano is “a hell on earth”, a “state of siege must be established”, said De Luca, commenting on the gang rape suffered by the two young girls.
“It is a strong expression,’ he said, “but I cannot find another. “We must say with great truth that in Caivano the State does not exist, despite the commitment of extremely limited police forces.
“We need a state of siege as we do when we send military units to places of war.
“We must decide that for a year we must take the air away from the criminals who traffic in drugs”.
De Luca is a flamboyant figure and senior member of the opposition centre-left Dempocratic Party (PD).