Vuksanovic: We request new principles to be added to PES principles on government formation

Podgorica, (MINA) – It is most important for the Croatian Civic Initiative (HGI) that the direction of the future government would be pro-Western, said leader of that party Adrijan Vuksanovic, adding that during the meeting with leader of the Europe Now Movement (PES) they requested new principles to be added to those put forward for the formation of the government.

Asked by the press if, based on what they heard at the meeting, he saw HGI in the future government, Vuksanovic responded that it was a very serious question.

“Right after elections we said that we would not join the government at all costs”, said Vuksanovic.

He said that they discussed values and principles and didn’t “do mathematics”.

Asked if PES’s proposal was acceptable to HGI, Vuksanovic said that they expressed wish to amend them, in terms of integration of ethnic minorities and their contribution and significance at the social and political scene.

Vuksanovic said that the negotiation process should be continued since it is a serious matter.

“We should form a government that would lead this country forward, and which would launch European integration”, said he.