Transport minister: Border wait time to be reduced by approx. 30 minutes after Schengen accession
Bucharest, Dec 12 /Agerpres/ – Border wait time will be reduced by approximately 30 minutes for each truck, following our full entry into the Schengen area from January 1, 2025, and road carriers will transit borders with EU states much faster, informs the minister of transport, Sorin Grindeanu, on Thursday.
For road freight transport, Schengen accession translates into the elimination of systematic border controls with neighbouring EU member states, Hungary and Bulgaria, so that road hauliers will transit the borders with EU states much more quickly.
The interior ministers of the EU countries on Thursday morning approved, in Brussels, the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area with their land borders, starting from January 1, 2025.