The number of travelers in PIA increases, over 500 thousand only in January-February
The number of travelers using Prishtina International Airport “Adem Jashari” (PIA) to fly to other countries has increased for the months of January and February this year compared to the same period last year, while the most popular destinations are Switzerland, Germany, Turkey and Austria.
Officials of this airport say that only for the first two months of this year more than half a million travelers have been registered.
Airport spokeswoman Valentina Gara told KosovaPress that in January the increase in the number of travelers was 22 percent, while the increase in February was 38 percent more compared to the same period last year.
The spokesperson of the Airport, Valentina Gara, tells about the destinations that have been added for this year in order to meet the demands of the citizens. She also stated that they have added another traveling airline.