A total of HRK 3.35 billion (€446.6В million) of budgetary funds was spent on research and development (R&D) in Croatia in 2022, which puts the share of state budget funds for R&D in GDP at 0.65%,В show data from the Croatian Bureau of Statistics (DZS).
Of the total funds for R&D, the largest amount was spent on the sector of higher education – HRK 2.41 billion or 72.09%, followed by the government sector, with HRK 904 million or 26.98%. The least funding was spent on the private non-profit sector, HRK 10.3 million or 0.31%, and on activities abroad, HRK 4.4 million or 0.13%. Investments in R&D in the business sector totaled HRK 16.4 million.