As many as 107 Romanian films – fiction feature films, documentaries and short films, released in cinemas, at national and international festivals or on streaming platforms in 2023, enter the race for nominations at the 18th edition of the Gopo Awards, a press release from the organizers sent to AGERPRES on Monday, reads.
This year’s edition of the Gopo Awards will take place on April 29, at the I. L. Caragiale National Theater in Bucharest.
Starting this year, the Gopo Awards will have two preselection juries, one for feature films and the second for the documentary and short film categories.
32 feature films are in the Best Film category on the proposed list of nominations, among which “Nu astepta prea mult de la sfarsitul lumii / Don’t expect too much from the end of the world” (directed by Radu Jude), “Libertate” (directed by Tudor Giurgiu), “Inca doua lozuri” (directed by Paul Negoescu), “Boss” (directed by Bogdan Mirica), “Spre Nord” / To the North (directed by Mihai Mincan), “Warboy” (directed by Marian Crisan), “Tigru / Tiger” (directed by Andrei Tanase), “Taximetristi” / Taxi drivers (directed by Bogdan Theodor Olteanu), the feature films directed by Jesus del Cerro – “Miami Bici 2” and “Ramon”, as well as documentaries such as “Intre revolutii” /Among Revolutions (directed by Vlad Petri), “Arsenie. Viata de apoi” / Arsenie. An Amazing Afterlife (directed by Alexandru Solomon) and “De ce ma cheama Nora, cand cerul meu e senin” / Why am I called Nora when my sky is clear (directed by Carla Teaha), “Playback” (directed by Iulia Rugina).
For the prize in the documentary category, following the call launched in January, 17 productions entered, including “Sotul meu musulman” /My Muslim Husband (directed by Daniel Barnuti & Alexandra Lizeta Barnuti), “Vulturii din Taga” / Eagles from Taga (directed by Iulian Manuel Ghervas, Adina Popescu), “Cazul inginerului Ursu” / The Case of Engineer Ursu (directed by Liviu Tofan, Serban Georgescu), “De ce scriu astia pe pereti?” / Why do they write on the walls? (directed by Alin Boeru).
In the short film category, 58 titles, fiction films, documentaries and animated stories were entered. The list of Romanian short films entered in this edition includes productions such as “Exercitiu de concediu” / Vacation Exercise (directed by Lara Ionescu), “Toate neamurile” / Whole Family (directed by Alexandra Diaconu), “Roz” / Pink (directed by Liviu Marghidan), “Educatie sentimentala” /Sentimental Education (directed by Alma Buhagiar), “Intre marginile zilei” /Between the margins of the day (directed by Andreea Lacatus), “Berliner Kindl” (directed by Lucia Chicos), “Doua vorbe, trei minciuni” /Two words, three lies (directed by Ioachim Stroe), “Acolo unde barcile nu ajung” / Where the boats don’t arrive (directed by Vlad Buzaianu), “Antrenamentul de noapte” / The Night Practice (directed by Bogdan Alecsandru), “Venus” (directed by Carina-Gabriela Dasoveanu).
The list of films entering the race for nominations at the Gopo Awards 2024 can be accessed at