(ANSA) – ROME, AUG 24 – Some 8.4 million workers are at risk from the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI), according to a study by Confartigianato on the degree of exposure of the Italian labour market to expert systems released on Thursday.
36.2% of the workforce “will suffer the effects of profound technological transformation and automation processes”, the craftsmen’s association said.
The most exposed region is Lombardy, followed by Lazio, according to the study.
However, the level of exposure in Italy is 3.3 percentage points below the European average of 39.5%, with Germany at 43%, France at 41.4%, Belgium at 48.8%, Sweden at 48% and Luxembourg at nearly 60%.
“AI is not to be feared, but rather governed with a craftsman’s intelligence,” said Confartigianato President Marco Granelli.
The occupations most exposed to the impact of AI “are the most highly qualified ones, those with a high intellectual and administrative component, starting with information and communication technicians, administrative and business managers, business and management specialists, scientific and engineering specialists and public administration managers”, said the study.
The occupations carrying the lowest risk from AI are instead those “with a non-standardised manual component”, according to Confartigianato.
Photo: Confartigianato President Marco Granelli. (ANSA).